What is
FPT Cloud Connect?
FPT Cloud Connect is the enhanced enterprise solution with completely private access to application services in a simple, effective and secured manner, based on the most popular cloud services providers.
The advanced connectivity infrastructure, based on MPLS to support connecting between Vietnam and major international cloud providers
Effective Cost-Saving
Cost-effective connection in performance, reducing up to 60% of the construction cost in Virtual POP.
Quality Commitment up to 99,9%
Resources are not shared with others, so higher levels of control and security are possible.
Risks Minimization
Private connection to all available Cloud Providers, skipping the Internet environment, for the high security level of the connection channel.
Eco-System Diversity
Connecting up to 150+ Cloud, ISPs, partners, carriers, CDNs, and providing advanced solutions in order to connect to a customer’s private cloud.
Why Cloud Connect?
FPT Cloud Connect helping you to reach the most popular Cloud Services Providers in the world.
Enhancing your general network security
Cutting costs from IPLC services
Simplifying a network topology from a multi-connection into the one unified connection.
Accelerate your digital transformation together with FPT Telecom International – Solid Partner and Enhanced Solutions.
Expand your presence into the Southeast Asia Market – get access to the world’s largest ecosystems of interconnected partners and providers.
Cloud Connect Benefits
High-speed Installation
Simplified Transmission Management
Complete Confidentiality
Enhanced Security
Multicloud Connection
Dedicated Connection
Exceptional Stability
Professional Support
Qualified Cloud Experts
Leading Global Partners
Experience of FPT Telecom International
FTI Support
Our sales team is available to assist you with a variety of topics, and to get you up-and-running with the Cloud Services from FPT Telecom International.
Solution Cases
Vietnam’s economy is set to expand as it continues its transformation into
a global manufacturing hub. As Vietnam’s economy matures, local businesses are starting to
consider taking the next step in their growth and expand to the global markets.
Moving towards a multi-cloud, multi-technology and multi-collaboration oriented digital
future, FPT Cloud Connect connects businesses in Vietnam to the most popular and trusted
international Clouds, providing our customers with a complete bundle of network equipment,
transmission channels, servers and co-location service in foreign markets with flexible
financial options.
Enhancing your general network security
Cloud Connect ensures stability and maximum support with diverse channel systems of FPT.
Network Security Insurance
Private connection helps businesses to prevent and protect against hacker attacks in the Internet.
Multicloud Solution
Simplifying the connection to different clouds.
Site to Site - Global Connective Solution
Capacity of connecting from offices to branches all over the world.
Cloud Connect Primary Solution Map
Payment Model
Whole Circuit Connection
Based on connection bandwidth (10/15/100 Mbps, 1/2/5/10Gbps monthly cost).
Unlimited payment model or “Pay-as-you-go” payment model following 95th percentile.
Minimum 12-months contract.
Preferred Route Connection Of Cloud Providers
Based on connection bandwidth (10/15/100 Mbps, 1/2/5/10Gbps monthly cost).
Possibility asking for FPT’s configuration in appropriate bandwidth for multicloud connection.
No commitment contract.